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About Sasha



I am so privileged to witness the personal transformation of my dearest clients in my office!


Whether you wish to change a habit, learn about your relationships to improve them, get rid of physical discomfort, or tap into your inner wisdom to gain answers and insights, I am here to help.


People always refer to their deeper minds to find answers. Yes, in the session, we can connect to our Higher Self, which is all-knowing and capable of granting healing. We give it a stage and find out what our mission here is and the reasons for our experiences. We can make a connection to our Ego, give it a stage with respect, and ask what it is teaching us by creating conflicts, fears, and worries.


This brings to the integration and understanding of our bigger selves, a huge step in personal growth and transformation.


People’s trust always rewarded me for guiding them to reach new heights and abilities. My first call was to be an educator for kids with special needs and teach them art. Then, I taught high school graduates how to pass the tests to enter Architecture and Design Colleges in Israel. This success would really open a future for them and take them to a new level. And they all did!


Next, I taught art to beginner adults who had wished to learn it for so long but never let themselves because they had to concentrate on their obligations in family and career. When they finally found time and allowed it, it was my joy to teach them. I was so impressed by how quickly they became skilled artists! My explanation for this phenomenon was that they had been amazing artists all through their lives; they just needed to have some tools to express it.


Later, I pursued an industrial designer career and finished my Master's Degree in Science. When it was time to choose the field of study to conduct research, I created a guideline for designers to help them develop a more accessible design for elderly people struggling with new technology but needing to use it to be independent and confident. Using ATMs, the Internet, emails, or any self-service kiosks is essential today and might be challenging for aging people.


I conducted research interviewing over 300 seniors. This research was chosen for presentation at a couple of international conferences: INCLUDE in Royal Collage of Art in London in 2005 and the Human-Computer Interaction Conference in Las Vegas, USA, in 2005. It was also published in the International Journal of Gerontechnology. It was so successful!


While writing this text, I did a Google search on my research, and I was happy to discover that the information I found was used by other significant scientists and designers in the field of technology for seniors. They all referred to my findings in their articles! 


When my family moved to the USA, I opened an Alla Prima Art School and started teaching art as a way to express creativity personally. I find it fascinating to see how quickly kids start to see the world through the eyes of a creator.


Can you see the similarities between all the jobs that I chose to take?


I just LOVE helping people achieve their goals! It brings me joy to see people’s success, and I am so grateful for being trusted to guide you to it.


So now, I am a Hypnotherapist, energy Healer, and Teacher. It is my pleasure to help my clients in sessions. But the most rewarding is teaching people tools that make them independent in their personal transformation and growth. We don’t really need tangible teachers as long as we are connected to our inner wisdom and learn to listen to it. 


I enjoy spending time with my husband and my kids the most in my private life. I like art, classical music, and riding a bicycle :-)









Maria Plotnikova, California


"I wholeheartedly recommend this experience to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of healing"

Sandra Muller, Switzerland

"Lucky are the ones who will embark on this adventure with Alexandra."

Nataly Kiner, California

"Thank you so much for helping find the answers I needed to hear and helping me heal my body and emotions. This was a fantastic experience"


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