Fear of stepping out of your "Spiritual Closet"
Do you know someone who still prefers to stay in their spiritual shell? This session is essential for all of you who are holding yourself back from fulfilling your purpose of lifting other people up by sharing and teaching how and what you have overcome!
Please share this video with people who have a similar block!
This session contains the frequencies and imagery for healing this issue.
I am so excited for this opportunity to share it! I am a Level 3 QHHT practitioner. This is a part of one of the sessions that I conducted. This session is with an amazing person who was so kind to give his permission to share it!
He had beautiful healing done to remove his long-lasting block: fair to be seen for who he truly is. His life purpose was to be a spiritual teacher, but he was struggling with a fear of putting himself out. I feel like many people right now are struggling with the same fear and will benefit from this healing! This session contains this healing! Share it!